From the beginning of creation, God established holy rhythms of life and service for those who follow in God’s path. We each have personal seasons of rest and restoration, and of new life and service. Council Tree encourages spiritual wondering alongside the Holy Spirit to discern what spiritual season you may be in.
If you find yourself in a place where you have margin to serve, we could definitely use your gifts! If you feel God is calling you to explore serving, we would encourage you to start an exploratory conversation with a team lead to find out more. Here are areas we need additional volunteers in:
Greeters - There is something special when a person arrives at church and is greeted with a smile or a simple "welcome to the service". If you like to connect with people, we need you! It would be a once a month commitment and we will will show you the ropes.
Coffee Hour - Our coffee hour helps promote fellowship & connection with one another after our church services. It's simple and a non-threatening way to meet people and to make the coffee/lemonade is simple. We will train you. It is also a once a month commitment.
Kids Check-in – We are a church who loves families! Visiting a new church can be uncomfortable and we need welcoming volunteers who love on newcomers. Serve once a month for the first 15 minutes before and during service.
Elementary Teachers – If you are curious about our elementary worship experience, and what a monthly or quarterly volunteer opportunity might be, Diane would love to talk with you! We are actively recruiting to grow our team of faithful adults serving with kids on Sunday mornings! Must have attended the church for a minimum of 6 months, pass a background check and work through a short training.
Garden - Things are really firing out in the Garden and we are in need of some friends who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. If you can help with weeding and garden maintenance, and want to get some time in the sun with other like-minded folks, this is the opportunity for you.
Produce Stand - The Garden is in full bloom and, as such, we have expanded our Produce Stand opportunities. We are in need of volunteers here at Council Tree on Tuesday and Saturday mornings, as well as at Harmony Village on Saturday mornings.
Grounds and Maintenance Team - It takes a village to maintain our beautiful facility. If you love to keep things in working order, this team is for you. This team meets Monday and Wednesday mornings to take care of our facility, inside and out.
Events Team - If you love making events run smoothly, this volunteer opportunity is for you. We are looking to put together an as-needed team of volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up for events, and to help during events to keep everything on track.
Thank you for considering these opportunities. Contact the church office ( and we will reach out to you.