Dale and Sara Lusk , children Sawyer and Collette. Dale is the founder and executive director MERGE, a ministry of Serve Globally. We started in 1993.
MERGE utilizes mission teams to encourage local churches and enhance what they are doing in their communities.
Our primary objective is to give Covenant churches from around the world an opportunity to partner with other world churches. We desire partnerships for a week or longer. The visiting team is not doing things FOR the local church or in the church, but WITH them. The focus is on ministry outside the local church; in the neighborhood and surrounding areas. Our ministry is Christ-centered and Kingdom furthering, not just a learning activity or social project.
Community ministry can be discouraging, frustrating, and tiring– a goal of the team’s visit and partnership is to encourage the local church pastoral staff, leadership and members by being with them in ministry. In order to do this, relationships need to be established. The local church community ministries will be more successful as a result.
Contact: dale.lusk@covchurch.org
Website: www.covmerge.org
Facebook: Covenant Merge Ministries