Council Tree Covenant Kids

We love kids! During your children’s time with Council Tree Covenant Kids, they will learn about Jesus, meet friends, and experience God, all while having fun in a safe setting created just for them. Just as the adult worship service has been designed specifically for you, so has this time been created just for your child.

We recognize the greatest influence on a child’s life is their family and what happens at home. Council Tree Covenant Kids is here to partner with you through care, special memory making events, and additional take home discipleship tools. Let us know how we can best partner with you!


When you arrive, you will see a Check-In desk mid-way down our main hallway.  We ask that you check your kids in with a profile linked to your telephone number. If there are any issues, you will be contacted via text during the service. You and your child will also have unique, matching safety stickers that you must present in order to pick up your child. 

We invite all children to worship with their families for the first portion of the service. After we share in some community life and worship, we will invite the children to participate in engaging and fun worship experiences designed just for them. We can’t wait to worship with you and your family.


Mothers are welcome to use our nursing room, available across the hall from the women’s bathroom and kitchen. A live audio feed of the service can be heard here, so moms won’t miss a thing!


Our class for ages 1 to 5 (and not yet in Kindergarten), is fondly referred to as our special class for The Littles. This class meets on Sundays at 10 am and uses play, bible stories, art, and music to help The Littles begin discovering that God loves them and that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. We also hope they meet a few other Little’s along the way, and that one day they realize they have become lifelong friends. 

Tian is our lead teacher in The Little’s class and is supported by a full team of trained and background checked volunteers.


Our classes for kids in Kindergarten through the 5th Grade.

Sundays at 9 am

The Artrageous Workshop is a 50-minute art class taught by Miss Millie and Pastor Diane, where we dabble in all sorts of different mediums as we learn more about God.

Sundays at 10 am

No Matter What, God is Good. No Matter What, we can trust God. No Matter What God is faithful. God is powerful, just, and love!
No Matter What.
The Bible tells a huge story about how God is partnering with people for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. So this is where we've begun our year-long theme. With God's invitation to follow Jesus - to frame our lives in a story of adventure, with life in God's presence as the treasure at its center. Through all life's situations and terrains on the adventure, God is with us. No Matter What.


You can see past Christmas movies here.

Artrageous - An Art Camp for Kids: June 2-6, 2025



All adults and student leaders working with children at Council Tree are trained and those over age 18 are background checked. 

You can find our Safety Policy here.


We realize that it seems some children have a runny nose from October through May, but for the well-being of all of our children and staff, we ask you not to check-in your child if they’ve shown any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:

  • Fever

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Green/yellow discharge from the nose

  • Persistent cough

  • Rash anywhere on the body


Child-size toilets are available as well as changing facilities in both early childhood classrooms. Trained volunteers will assist with these needs yet parents will be notified if changing of diapers or clothing is needed.

Elementary kids will be escorted to the bathroom upon request. The leader will stand in the hallway with the door propped. The child must be independent on use of the restroom.


All of our classrooms are cleaned thoroughly and disinfected a minimum of once a week and wiped down after each use.