Nourish Nights are back! We will be gathering Wednesday evenings at 6pm January 29th through March 5th. We'll start with a shared meal, as usual, and then the fun begins.
January 29th will be Taco Talent Night. Click here for more information about that night.
February 5th through 26th will be the regular format: a shared meal followed by programming for kids, youth and adults. This year for the adults we have a team of people that will be leading us in conversations about... MONEY! Although this might trigger a negative response, we would encourage you to consider participating in these conversations that will be happening following dinner at our Nourish Nights. God cares deeply about our finances. There is massive biblical precedent for our attitude towards money and how we use the things that God has entrusted to us. Using a curriculum called Freed Up, we will be looking at Scripture's call paired with sound financial guidance to get a better handle on what we do with our money. Are you totally lost and need help organizing your financial goals? Join us. Are you a financial expert with decades of experience? Join us. God has something to say to each of us in this conversation. As we grow in our financial stewardship, we grow in our discipleship to Jesus.
On March 5th, we will have our regular meal, then will gather in the sanctuary for our Ash Wednesday service.
We'll need everybody's help to make this work. If you are able to bring an item for one of the meals, or you can help out, click here to sign up.
Wednesday Nights, January 29-March 5, 6-8pm
Jan 29 - Tacos
Feb 5 - Italian/Pasta
Feb 12 - Barbecue
Feb 19 - Rice Bowls
Feb 26 - Breakfast for Dinner
Mar 5 - Soup Night